Metis Fiddlers and Jiggers - Photo by Marissa Magneson
Metis Fiddlers and Jiggers - Photo by Marissa Magneson

Partners and Supporters

ANDPVA’s partners and supporters are aligned in their vision of nurturing and supporting the cultural well-being of Indigenous communities. These strong partnerships enable ANDPVA to impactfully implement and grow programming.

Partnerships support ANDPVA’s mission, vision, and mandate in the areas of:

  • Funding
  • Cultural expertise sharing
  • Resources
  • Cost sharing
  • Sponsorship
  • Fundraising
  • Networking
  • Collaboration
  • Program building
  • Program outreach
  • Venues

Partners and supporters include service agencies, entertainment and cultural venues, governmental agencies, cultural institutions, research organizations, friendship centres, and arts organizations.

We thank our partners and supporters:

  • Canada Council for the Arts
  • Canadian Heritage Foundation
  • Canadian Women's Foundation
  • Canada Helps
  • City of Toronto: Todmorden Mills Heritage Site
  • Horseshoe Tavern
  • Human Resources and Skills Development - Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training
  • Luminato Festival
  • Ministry of Employment and Social Development - Aboriginal Labour Force Development Circle
  • Ontario Arts Council
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Thunder Woman Healing Lodge
  • Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council (TASSC)
  • Toronto Arts Council
  • Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre
  • Royal Ontario Museum
  • Women and Gender Equality Canada