Donate to Our Signature Programs

The Red Revue is a live performing arts presentation series for established and emerging Indigenous artists. The series features a headline performer with a special guest and open mic slots for emerging artists to perform in front of a supportive audience. Emerging artists learn from those more experienced, experiment creatively, and improve their performance skills.

The Writers Room serves Indigenous writers with professional development and a reading series. We present one to three main acts to read their work, participate in talkbacks, interviews with Q&A, and workshops. We also have an open mic section where anyone can read and share.

Based on the perspectives of Indigenous peoples, Creation and Clan Story Workshops become a healing circle for community members facing trauma from colonization. Today, Elders/Knowledge Keepers lead the storytelling way following protocols for smudging of the four directions, seven grandfather teachings, singing, drumming, thanksgivings, and others.